Some tweaks and improvements

I spent some time this morning and last night making some small tweaks to this project, mostly usability or design tweaks.

The first one was showing the player as "hidden" when crouching. This was as simple as lowering the alpha on the character. Easy! The next one was kinda interesting, because it's not something I'd done before. I wanted to make the music pause rather than stop (and restart) between levels in the game. 

I had written this small tune and was quite pleased with the build up of it. To hear the first 30 seconds of the music every level was quite annoying, and it also missed a lot of the spice!

Basically I had crammed the background music playing into the level management script, so I opted to move it to a separate component (more generic - now it has CPP! - copy paste potential) and make the component a ... eek ... global singleton.

I think generally I'm fine with them in these small projects but I can see how it gets out of hand fast. For instance, it's so hard to tell at a glance where is it being called and used since I can just call methods statically from anywhere. 

Anyway, I hope to add a few more levels to this tonight and actually submit it to the jam soon!

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64 days ago

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